Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A Classic "Jessism"

Last night, I made a very important discovery and this discovery, led me to unfold probably one of the biggest, classic "Jessism's" I've ever had or in this case, made. I'm sure most of you know or can probably figure out what a "Jessism" is, but just in case, it is a pretty much a blonde moment, which my friends and family have proudly named "Jessism". A "Jessism" is a SERIOUS blonde moment. . .a regular blonde moment times 5 at least. Does that make sense? That description was probably a minor blonde moment in itself.

Anyway, I thought I took the English as a Second Language (ESL) PLACE exam, a couple weeks ago. While I was taking the test, I noticed that there weren't very many questions regarding English Language Leaners, and that most of the questions were about social studies, science and math. That probably should have been enough to make me wonder if I was taking the right test, right? (Duh, Jess, Duh!) Well. . . that was not the case. I had heard from other people who have taken the ESL PLACE test, that there are several irrelevant random questions. . .so naturally, I didn't think much of the random content questions that I was coming across during the test.

Then last night, I had recieved my test results and noticed on the top corner of the page that it gave a different test name that clearly wasn't related to ESL. So, I contacted a few of my fellow ESL Elementary friends, and made the big discovery that I had paid $95 to take the wrong test! I took the elementary content test. Good God, Jessica Lynn! I have never felt so stupid in my entire life! You would have thought that I would have been angry, but to tell you the truth, I really wasn't and in fact, I was very amused. I went to bed and just started laughing so hard that tears started pouring! This is definitley one of the stupidest things I've ever done and although it is quite embarrassing and did I mention stupid?, I'm glad to say that I've been blessed with a good sense of humor and was able to get a good laugh out of the situation! As a matter of fact, I'm still laughing about it!! Guess I better go register for the CORRECT test now. . .