Monday, March 29, 2010

Being Home in Durango = Nostalgic Feelings

I took Jake on a long walk earlier today and couldn't believe the nostalgic feelings that I felt. Everywhere we went and everything I saw, seemed to have some kind of memory attached to it. I saw high school kids sitting on the grass with their guitars, little kids at soccer practice, parents showing their kids how to ride a bike, kayakers getting ready for an after-work boating session, middle school and high school couples making out down by the river. There was even that same group of misfits under the same tree just off of the high school grounds, drinking beer and smoking cigarettes.

I think back to when I was in high school, or middle school for that matter, and its as if nothing has changed. Today, I saw the same things that I saw then. I guess some things never change, huh? Its funny because for some reason for about a minute, it made me want to be young again. I mean, I am still young right now at 22, but it made me want to go back to the days where the livin' was easy and the only cares I had in the world were meeting the deadline for my newspaper article, and making sure that I was home by 8. I absolutley loved growing up in Durango and I think that today when I went on that walk, it really hit me that I don't live in Durango anymore and this summer will be the first one that I won't be spending in my beloved hometown. Durango will ALWAYS be my home and I was very blessed to have grown up in such an incredible place. On the other hand, I'm very content with where I'm at in life right now and I can't wait to see what non-Durango adventures are in store for me after graduation.